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2023 孩之寶「玩具遊戲女性創新者」

孩之寶「玩具遊戲女性創新者」始於 2023 年秋季,旨在推動玩具及遊戲行業的包容與平等,鼓勵更多女性投身玩具遊戲領域,並啟發新一代年輕女性發揮創意,提高她們對創意職業發展道路的意識與認知。

Our Speakers

Chris Cocks

Chief Executive Officer & Director @ Hasbro, Inc.

Elizabeth Hargrave

Game Designer @ Elizabeth Hargrave

Tanya Thompson

Senior Director Inventor Relations and External Innovation @ Hasbro Gaming

Azhelle Wade

CEO & Founder of The Toy Coach

Kate Fakonas

Director of Design, Play-Doh and Creative Play @ Hasbro, Inc.

Jennifer Boswinkel

Vice President Brand Management Hasbro Gaming & Monopoly

Cynthia Williams

President, Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro Gaming

Aisha Tyler

Actor, Director, Entrepreneur

Kim Boyd

Head of Toy @ Hasbro, Inc.

Eleanor Black

Commercial Director @ Fuse London Ltd

2023 年活動時間表


5 Mins

Welcome to the inaugural Women Innovators of Play Event

We are honored to have Chris Cocks, Chief Executive Officer and Director of Hasbro, Inc, to give the opening remarks to welcome everyone to the Women Innovators of Play Event!

Chris Cocks

Chris Cocks

Chief Executive Officer & Director @ Hasbro, Inc.


20 Mins

My Wingspan Journey

Elizabeth Hargrave, the designer of the hit board game Wingspan, will share the journey of how Wingspan came to be, as well as advice she’s learned along the way.

Elizabeth Hargrave

Elizabeth Hargrave

Game Designer @ Elizabeth Hargrave


15 Mins

The Perfect Pitch

What makes a perfect pitch? Tanya has lost count of the thousands of pitches she’s been a part of in her career and she’s excited to share her best tips on what makes the perfect pitch.

Tanya Thompson

Tanya Thompson

Senior Director Inventor Relations and External Innovation, Hasbro Gaming


25 Mins

Journey to Mass Market

Ever wonder how Hasbro takes an idea from concept to shelf? Get an overview of the product roadmap, including what makes an idea suitable for the mass market. On this panel, hear from leaders at Hasbro about the different phases of development and unlock a new way to think about your own toy and game ideas so you can invent products that better align with the needs of a mass market company like Hasbro.

Azhelle Wade

Azhelle Wade

CEO & Founder of The Toy Coach

Kate Fakonas

Kate Fakonas

Director of Design, Play-Doh and Creative Play

Jennifer Boswinkel

Jennifer Boswinkel

Vice President Brand Management Hasbro Gaming & Monopoly


20 Mins

Overcoming Doubt and Imposter Syndrome

In this talk, Cynthia Williams, President of Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro Gaming, shares stories from her life and career and provides concrete actions you can take to navigate feelings of imposter syndrome.

Cynthia Williams

Cynthia Williams

President of Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro Gaming


25 Mins

Cultivating Dynamic Resilience

How embracing serendipity, setback and yes, failure can lead to dynamic breakthroughs in professional outcomes and personal creativity, and foster intention, joy, and play in everyday workflow.

Aisha Tyler

Aisha Tyler

Actor, Director, Entrepreneur


15 Mins

How to be a Successful Inventor

Eleanor has worked in the Toy industry for 20 years, with toy companies, both big and small, building relationships and getting to know the DNA of these companies. Her talk will include strategies and tips she has learned firsthand, insights on what it takes to be successful when pitching, and how not to take rejection to heart.

Eleanor Black

Eleanor Black

Commercial Director @ Fuse London Ltd


15 Mins

Special Key Announcement and Closing

Don’t miss our special key announcement to close out the inaugural Women Innovators of Play event!

Kim Boyd

Kim Boyd

Head of Toy @ Hasbro, Inc.

Tanya Thompson

Tanya Thompson

Senior Director Inventor Relations and External Innovation, Hasbro Gaming


第二屆年度「玩具遊戲女性創新者」活動將於 10 月 10 日早上 10 時(美國東部時間)進行