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Are you ready to share your invention with us? We have 3 simple steps for you to follow to make sure we have everything we need to consider your idea. (See )

But first, the fine print...

First we need you to read through and agree to the submission agreement, which contains the terms and conditions that will cover the submission of your idea and our evaluation of it. to see the submission terms. Feel free to consult an attorney if you don't understand anything. Please note that due to the volume of such submissions, we cannot modify these terms and conditions.

Top secret Hasbro inventors documents with a mug of coffee

All about you and your partners

Here we will need you to fill in some details like your name, address and contact information so we can get in touch if we have any questions or want to take your idea forward; however, you should not forward any other personal information, social media accounts, or photographs of yourself or anyone else. You need to be at least 18 years old in order to submit any concepts, and you must own or control all rights in those concepts. It should be your own work, or if you have collaborated with someone else, you must have that person's permission to submit the concept. Any materials that depict ANY offensive language, behavior or graphic material, as , is not tolerated or acceptable.


All about your idea

This is the bit you have been waiting for! If you have read the terms of the submission and have agreed to accept them, then you can tell us all about your brilliant innovation, and send us the most precise details and specific materials that best explain your BIG idea. How do you do this?

  • First watch this video on “How to Submit an Idea”.

  • Next, check out the pointers listed on our university page to see what makes a good sizzle video. We look for sizzle videos, detailed sketches, CAD drawings, storyboards, prototypes, technology specs and any granted patent information. All submissions must be written in English.


Categories of submission

In this last section we want you to tell us where you think your idea sits in the market. What categories best describe your idea? We'll ask you to select some.